PACK EXPO East: It’s a Wrap!
PACK EXPO East is the #1 packaging and processing event on the East Coast, and the ACSIS team showed up in strength for this year’s event held in Philadelphia, March 21-23.
Getting out of our home offices and walking a trade show floor was a great feeling. The trade show floor was full of noise, sophisticated packing machinery, conversation, and laughter from customers, vendors, and passersby. Business is back on the streets, and it’s fantastic!
In terms of the buzz on the Pack Expo show floor, sustainability was the word. Many visitors were researching circular supply chain solutions, and ACSIS was prepared with a special emphasis on managing returnable transport items (RTIs). By replacing disposable, one-way assets with RTIs, supply chain managers are harvesting big savings – both in costs and for our environment.
Also on the buzz: Walmart’s recommitment to RFID, mandating that many suppliers begin tagging goods by September ‘22. Walmart’s powerful reach, that is causing an immediate stir – and ACSIS is prepared with its RFID tagging and serialization solution. Together with our partner Zebra, ACSIS can vault suppliers into immediate compliance with the Walmart standard. And with the cost of RFID systems spiraling downward, that compliance can be at a very low cost.
Like any great trade show, there was also fun to be had. Many friends and colleagues joined us for the ACSIS reception, where there was plenty of conversation and good food. And we were delighted to welcome an appearance by Bill Wohl, the host of the ACSIS Supply Chain Visibility Stories podcast, now in its second season.
There’s a lot to talk about. Join the conversation with us on sustainability solutions, returnable asset management solutions, and RFID solutions that quickly address the Walmart recommitment. And build a better, more transparent, and cost-efficient supply chain.