Unlocking the power of proactively tracking returnable transport items
For years, ACSIS has been working with companies to track returnable transport items, otherwise known as RTIs. We have tracked everything from totes to gas cylinders and canisters, pallets, racks, and other transport items. The obvious benefit from tracking returnable transport items is lowering the capital costs of replacing these lost items across the supply chain. In many industries that we work with, it is not uncommon for companies to lose up to thirty percent of returnable transport items annually. By tracking the path that these items take, it is not unreasonable to expect a thirty to fifty percent reduction in asset loss. Tracking RTIs to limit losses goes a long way in providing a solid ROI implementing a tracking solution. However, there are many additional points of value that can be achieved by proactive RTI tracking in addition to just reducing RTI losses.
These benefits include RTI fleet management, allowing you to have the correct number of assets in the fleet and understand their location. Balance RTI inventory across locations, limiting the possibility of production issues and eliminating the need for rush shipment of RTIs between locations. Proactive inspection and maintenance of RTI, ensuring all RTIs are available for use and have all the necessary maintenance, inspections, and certifications.
But what if you looked at the tracking of RTIs from a different perspective? At ACSIS, we believe that by combining the tracking of the RTIs and tracking the product contained within the RTI, you can develop a much richer data set that will significantly improve the return on investment and provide benefits to additional stakeholders within the enterprise.
By assigning the product information to the RTI transporting it, you will immediately have a detailed view of both products and transport items within the supply chain. The combined view integrated with data in your ERP system will allow the tracking of products and RTIs at a higher level of granularity across the entire supply chain.
Once this granular view of product movement within the supply chain is realized, you can use that data to achieve operational visibility that was previously impossible. Of course, every company is different when it comes to the value that this approach can achieve. Still, every company that we have worked with has been able to identify additional value over just tracking RTIs alone by implementing this combined approach.
Let’s set up a time where we can review your RTI tracking needs. Contact us here.