22 Jan 2022
#supply chain 2022
#supply chain management
#supply chain visibility

2022 Supply Chain Resolutions

What ACSIS Resolves in 2022

It’s customary to begin each year with predictions. And there are lots of them out there. We work in an industry that’s under the microscope from the media, our governments, and just about every other party imaginable.

But while we can’t escape some of the obvious conclusions about 2022 challenges and predictions – rising costs and tightening labor, for example – our focus and our clients’ focus is on what we can actually do this year to improve supply chain health and efficiency.

So instead of predictions, we’re offering resolutions. Mind you, these are resolutions we’ve already taken and made real on behalf of our customers year after year. But we think they’re worth considering as you begin your new year.

Resolution #1. Take a step towards 100% supply chain visibility.

If you know anything about us, you know we’re the supply chain visibility company. And we don’t just design and build supply chain track and trace solutions. We know from long experience how to get our customers started on their pathways towards better visibility. Your next steps may include serialization, it may include a focus on packaging, transporting, or lots of other things. But we can get you started fast and easy with the best next steps for you.

Resolution #2. Supply chain sustainability is good for everyone.

Yes, our planet needs saving. And supply chain managers can play their part in big ways and small. We can help you by focusing on returnable transport items, for example. Don’t just discard those trays, totes, canisters, and other items used to transport materials and products. Serialize and track them so they’re always at the right place at the right time, and reduce waste. It’s an easy way to make your supply chains more eco-friendly.

Resolution #3. Make your supply chains smarter this year.

There is so much data embedded in modern supply chains – and so little leverage, comparatively speaking. For years we’ve focused on computing the necessary transactions. But what happens when we crack open the data from endpoint devices, from networks, from cloud environments, and put it all into one place where predictive analytics can be easily performed? A smarter supply chain is a more agile and efficient one. And we can get you there.

We can begin another year trying to predict what will happen in these uncertain times. But instead, we can begin by resolving to make our supply chains more visible, sustainable, and smarter. Those are things we can really do something about.

To learn more about what ACSIS can do for you, contact us today.

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