14 Jun 2021

When Just In Time Is Not In Time

When Just In Time Is Not In Time

While COVID-19 continues to rage in some countries, the largest economies that have invested heavily in vaccinating their populations are beginning to see better times ahead. As a result, they are furiously engaged in switching their economies back on. But they’re faltering. Why? This The New York Times article does an admirable job of highlighting this question and digging into root causes for current supply chain failures like these:

  • Auto production is crippled by a shortage of computer chips
  • Construction companies are idling workers because of a lack of paint and sealants
  • Sawmill productivity is still down, leading to a shortage of lumber which is contributing to skyrocketing home prices.
  • Everywhere there are shortages of breakfast cereals, pet food, tennis shoes, and more

Ironically, at the root of this problem is one of the greatest industry productivity boons of all time: Just In Time manufacturing. By slashing inventories tightly enough to receive just enough product, just in time for manufacture and distribution, companies have saved likely trillions of dollars around the globe.

But those same Just In Time principals have led to the many shortages plaguing our supply chains. When you rely on just enough product and materials in a very narrow window in time, what happens when your supplies are disrupted, and critical components are unobtainable?

Shall we abolish Just In Time? Or is there an alternative to rolling back the calendar?

ACSIS believes technology has caught up – Just In Time. With highly granular, 100% visibility into every individually identifiable component in the extended supply chain, Just In Time becomes a much safer approach. ACSIS would like for you to see what your supply chain can really look like when it’s 100% visible. Can we talk?