31 May 2021

Growing Supply Chain Value, One Leg at a Time

Growing Supply Chain Value, One Leg at a Time

An ACSIS customer has hundreds of thousands of items used for countless purposes by service companies around the globe. Among those items are uniforms used by working men and women in nearly every location, and every climate. And they wear pants. Sometimes long, sometimes short.

Well, who wears short pants and who wears long? And when do they wear them? And where?

Supply chain pros (and we at ACSIS) understand that it’s not as simple as stocking and distributing two different items (in their various sizes) rather than one. It’s important to understand when and where to stock short pants instead of, or in addition to, long pants. It’s even better when you can use actual supply chain data to predict these demands and to fulfill them before anyone asks. Because predicting supply chain needs is the pathway to greatly increased supply chain value.

The ability to understand patterns in consumption throughout the supply chain pays off in a big way by telling supply chain managers what’s needed and when and where it’s needed, without requiring anyone to issue orders that must be captured, tracked, and filled. Eliminate the paperwork, digital or otherwise. Just provide what’s needed when it’s needed.

ACSIS sees supply chains as vast, often untapped sources of data. They’re brimming with data driven from material consumption, velocity, availability, timeliness, and countless other metrics. They can even tell us about the condition of individual items in the supply chain – were sensitive materials exposed to shock or potentially damaging variations in temperature? – and they can track the progression of more expensive, reusable containers, such as canisters and custom-made trays, throughout their lifecycles.

You can tap the data in your supply chain that would otherwise be invisible to you. Doing so can yield tremendous new value. ACSIS can show you how. Think about that the next time you’re slipping on a pair of trousers. And then give ACSIS a call.